

Hey, I'm Crowley. Sarcastic, Sardonic, some call me a cynic...I prefer to think of myself as a realist. I also prefer to think of myself as moderately attractive and talented, but that's a whole other ball of wax that 5 shrinks in the past 15 years haven't been able to figure out, so I think it's best just to leave it there. If you've wanna chime in on the conversation or just call me an idiot, call me in the studio (919-860-1007) or drop me a line using the talkback feature on your iHeart radio app.


There's Dedication, Then There's Extreme Dedication

Accident or crime scene cordon tape

Foto: E+

Over the past few years, a lot of talk has taken place about "quiet quitting" or people just doing enough to get by on their jobs. But if you want to see REAL dedication to a job, check out the video of this Amazon delivery dude. He's gone viral on TikTok for doing his job.

But it's not just that he did his job; it's what's going on around him while he's doing his job. And the fact that he took the time to snap a quick pic to confirm he did his job. The dude walks into the middle of a police standoff, making his way through more than half-a-dozen police cars, and strolls up to the apartment complex that's SWAT. Eventually, he's intercepted by what looks like a SWAT team member.

Dude's got steel cajones, that's for sure.

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